Shania Twain - Ka-Ching Lyrics

We live in a greedy little world--
that teaches every little boy and girl
To earn as much as they can possibly--
then turn around and
Spend it foolishly
We've created us a credit card mess
We spend the money that we don't possess
Our religion is to go and blow it all
So it's shoppin' every Sunday at the mall

All we ever want is more
A lot more than we had before
So take me to the nearest store

Can you hear it ring
It makes you wanna sing
It's such a beautiful thing--Ka-ching!
Lots of diamond rings
The happiness it brings
You'll live like a king
With lots of money and things

When you're broke go and get a loan
Take out another mortgage on your home
Consolidate so you can afford
To go and spend some more when
you get bored

All we ever want is more
A lot more than we had before
So take me to the nearest store

[Repeat Chorus]

Let's swing
Dig deeper in your pocket
Oh, yeah, ha
Come on I know you've got it
Dig deeper in your wallet

All we ever want is more
A lot more than we had before
So take me to the nearest store

[Repeat Chorus]

Can you hear it ring
It makes you wanna sing
You'll live like a king
With lots of money and things

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Shania Twain Ka-Ching Comments
  1. Z.... ....


  2. L.... ....


  3. J.... F....

    2020 and still listening to this song

  4. �.... �....

    Лучшая версия этого клипа!

  5. E.... A....


  6. J.... B....

    Sarcasm 100

  7. B.... B....


  8. i.... i....

    Крутая песня

  9. M.... U....

    and i serch this song from shakira 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️😂😂😂😂😂

  10. t.... ....

    One woman, three different pair of eyebrows.

  11. M.... �....

    one of the best still in 2020

  12. G.... T....

    Je tiens à signaler que j ai un fils qui et fou mettre sont père dehors sa ce fait pas c est sa femme qu il le commande elle et pas mieux elle est plus folle que lui demain il va porté plainte contre moi avec sa femme sa ce fait pas moi j en n'ai baver avec mon père jamais j aurait eu l'idée de porter plainte contre lui je ne c est pas ou que je vait allait encore pas de voiture sa va être dur encore

  13. A.... K....


  14. K.... T....

    Today is the deadline for that $10k somebody needs to give me! It already cost you ALL a resolution to breast cancer! After today the parkinsons solution is gone! #BillGates #WarrenBuffet #JeffBezos #ElonMusk #MarkZuckerberg

  15. J.... U....

    Lama aku cari tajuk lagu nie yang aku ingat lirik dia ka chainn. Taip tu jer naseb baek jumpa😂😂

  16. D.... D....


  17. D.... K....

    I'm 22y/o in 2020. first time i like this song when i was kid and till today I'll never forget how happy when this song play at radio.

  18. C.... T....

    2020 I love song 🥰

  19. l.... d....

    Que recuerdos esta cancion yo tenia 12 años y me encantaba..

  20. l.... r....

    beautiful...maybe because it has something of middle europe sound in it in the refren

  21. E.... R....

    I love this song, so poignant in today's day and age, but I am a bit perplexed at the film clip, it seems odd I think she could have really amped it up by shopping at the mall etc and showing how easy it is to waste money, missed opportunity there.

  22. A.... ....

    ٢٠٢٠ الي بيسمعها ب٢٠٢٠ لايك

    A.... ....


  23. L.... S....

    llegarà el dia que le quitaran el telephono para siempre.Olèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèè

  24. T.... K....

    2⚫2⚫ here ??

  25. M.... R....

    One of the first music videos with liquifying effect on Photoshop

  26. H.... V....

    hồi sáng học Anh văn nghe hay quá nên tìm nghe luôn :)))

  27. R.... C....

    How old was she here? :O

  28. 2.... ....

    2020 anybody? Not the year but the drink

  29. G.... R....


  30. I.... H....

    Shania invented capitalism

  31. H.... V....


  32. H.... V....

    Before Shopping should listen to this song

  33. �.... �....


  34. P.... a....

    Auweia, Shania

  35. S.... A....

    It won't get bored never.

  36. C.... A....

    2020 tubarão SC Brasil

  37. z.... h....

    More than perfect,the voice and beauty face.

  38. x.... ....

    Shania should have focused more on this Pop-Dance orientated music style in my opinion, her Pop music is absolutely catchy and iconic. I'm not a fan of Country music instead.

  39. s.... a....

    I cant belive it because this is my favorite songs went i am 5 years old and now i am 13 years old i cant belive it i can searh this songs i realy lovethis songggs

  40. G.... H....

    Súper elegante, debería de venir a México!

  41. S.... O....

    Ka-ching, love this song. I'll live like a king

  42. �.... �....


  43. M.... z....

    Dicember Anyone ?

  44. G.... D....

    Décembre 2019 in africa???? Me! 😊😊😊😊

  45. S.... d....

    December 2019, let's go!

  46. L.... G....


  47. J.... L....

    Yup : this is the truth. Once you get that mortgage they’ve got you.
    That’s why they blackmail you into getting married - wives love mortgages, bigger and bigger mortgages
    I refused never regretted it

  48. s.... m....

    3k bankers dislike the video😝

  49. A.... ....

    Wow, never seen the full video before, Amazing!

  50. D.... ....

    Here I am now with 15 years... I always listened this song when i was seven or something like that, sucha nice song <3

  51. B.... J....

    Her beauty , her makeup , her dressing style was way ahead of her time . I mean when I see videos of other singers of her time .,I cringe of how much style had changed now but looking at her videos it looks great , everything is on point .

  52. D.... M....

    2019 💪😎🔥

  53. T.... T....

    The best music
    Thank you new english file

  54. D.... K....

    Una mujer grande ..muy bellaa shania twain.💯💖👍

  55. S.... ....

    how listen 2019?

  56. B.... R....

    She specifically targeted banks in this video along with her ex. I bet the elite didn't like this song at all.

  57. P.... T....


  58. R.... Z....

    We Had that in Englisch

  59. L.... T....

    I love you Shania Twain ❤️

  60. i.... t....

    Siapa yg suka?

  61. A.... K....

    Still Ka-ching in dec'19

    A.... K....

    It's the 10th of December

  62. M.... K....


  63. A.... B....

    I love You

    A.... B....

    "I Love You"
    -Patrick Star

  64. S.... N....


  65. M.... A....

    Still listening this in 2020

  66. M.... s....

    2019 I still know every word to this album

  67. S.... M....

    So true .. the message behind the song is so deep it describes our generation and next generations reality.. consumerism ideology

  68. D.... C....

    il est vrai que cette musique est ambiancante!!!!

  69. �.... �....

    Декабрь 2019

  70. L.... A....

    Who came after listening it in New English File intermediate book? i know you are here.😂

  71. n.... ....

    Iconic. legendary. Underrated

  72. N.... D....

    December 2019 ✌🏽

  73. B.... ....

    This was in our English book as a song. From the first time I heard it I was in love with it. Damn this is so long ago. This make me feel quite old.

    B.... ....

    6th grade right?

    B.... ....

    Stupid Spinel Yes!

    B.... ....

    @Benny i feel like i know you.......

    B.... ....


    B.... ....

    Haha me too. And then I bought her lp 😱

  74. M.... ....

    This Song let me be the kid right next to my Grandma in her Car back in my childhood. Love it❤️

  75. R.... L....

    1:36 mood

  76. B.... H....

    Im soul woman.. thank you best best song soul

  77. K.... H....

    Everyone on Black Friday.

  78. a.... b....

    She reminds me of thalia some how

  79. B.... S....


  80. M.... H....

    As of 28 Nov 2019, almost 21 million views. I bet 10 million views are from Malaysians ;-) 90s Malaysian kids

  81. N.... H....

    She's so beautiful..

  82. L.... B....

    Shania: Ka-ching
    Ariana: 7 rings

  83. W.... E....

    november 2019 y'all

  84. S.... B....

    I convinced my friend that this is The Nanny, Fran Fine. I mean 0:59 and the dress, it doesn't get anymore Fran Fine than that. And my friend bought it.

  85. P.... ....

    A black friday song

    P.... ....

    For Real

  86. 4.... E....

    please check out Shania Twain - UP! Album Review on my channel

  87. h.... K....

    1:19 best

  88. �.... �....

    December 2019

  89. T.... N....

    mỗi tui nghe bài này

  90. D.... R....

    Shania's sound can never be replicated, ICON!

  91. p.... ....

    je t'aime !!!

  92. M.... G....

    it's my best song , november 2019