Presley, Elvis - What A Wonderful Life Lyrics

It's a wonderful life
This life I'm livin'
What a wonderful life, days with a life of ease, oh-ho-oh
Well, I've got no job to worry me
No big bad boss to hurry me
It's a wonderful life life's good to me

It's a wonderful road
This road I'm travelin'
It's a wonderful road headin' beyond the hills, oh-ho-oh
Oh it may go straight or it may detour
But one thing that I know for sure
It's a wonderful life, life's good to me

Don't know where I'm goin'
Don't care where I'm goin'
Like the four winds are blowin' I go on
Laughin' the day away, lovin the night away
Till the moon is gone
It's a wonderful life
This life I'm livin'
What a wonderful life
Livin' the life I love, oh yeah
Well I've got neighbors, I've got friends
Just about anywhere the rainbow ends
It's a wonderful life, life's good to me

Don't know where I'm goin'
Don't care where I'm goin'
Like the four winds are blowin' I go on
Laughin' the day away, lovin the night away
Till the moon is gone
It's a wonderful life
This life I'm livin'
What a wonderful life
Livin' the life I love, oh yeah
Well I've got neighbors, I've got friends
Just about anywhere the rainbow ends
It's a wonderful life, life's good to me
What a wonderful life, life's good to me, yeah
Crazy life, life's good to me
Oh what a life

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Presley, Elvis What A Wonderful Life Comments
  1. I.... E....

    Elvis Presley est le plus beau chanteur du monde.

  2. R.... D....

    That’s the wonderful life. No big bad boss to hurry me. 😉

  3. R.... D....

    That’s the dream. No big bad boss to worry me 😉

  4. R.... H....

    I loved this movie, and girl happy. They both had great music in them both !!

  5. G.... V....

    A wonderful life is being an Elvis fan.

  6. C.... W....

    The King wasn't keen on doing these films. I don't think that they were that bad.... probably the Kings presence and songs that made the films watchable. 🙌

  7. T.... L....

    This song is so cool!

  8. D.... O....

    Watch this one 100 times or more. My favorite, along with Kid Galahad.

  9. M.... L....

    Me gusta Elvis como actor en esta pelicula!!😍

  10. r.... b....

    Love this film, Love this song but most of all Love Elvis..

  11. E.... O....

    It was just after this film that Elvis came out.

  12. j.... b....

    Just love this film movie and soundtrack, once hear it got hear again and again. Wish play on classic radio stations. All Elvis Presley radio stations. Maybe a gift shop. Fans love classic hits songs. Thank You. Nice how one kid thank you to Toby is Elvis, very good matters. Can’t understand why play full film movie. Stop all these small clips. Hard find online. It’s truth. All mix up others stuff. Let’s make life easy folks never watch this film movie.

  13. R.... L....

    En español gracias

  14. p.... p....

    Nam mô tát đát tha tô già đa da a ra ha đế tam miệu tam bồ đà tả. Tát đát tha phật đà câu tri sắc ni sam. Nam mô tát bà bột đà bột địa tát đa bệ tệ. Nam mô tát đa nẫm tam miệu tam bồ đà câu tri nẫm. Ta xá ra bà ca tăng già nẫm. Nam mô lô kê a la hán đa nẫm. Nam mô tô lô đa ba na nẫm. Nam mô ta yết rị đà già di nẫm. Nam mô lô kê tam miệu già đa nẫm. Tam miệu già ba ra để ba đa na nẫm. Nam mô đề bà li sắt nỏa. Nam mô tất đà da tì địa da đà ra li sắt nỏa. Xá ba noa yết ra ha ta ha ta ra ma tha nẫm. Nam mô bạt ra ha ma ni. Nam mô nhân đà ra da. Nam mô bà già bà đế. Lô đà ra da. Ô ma bát đế. Ta hê dạ da. Nam mô bà già bà đế. Na ra dã noa da. Bàn giá ma ha tam mộ đà ra. Nam mô tất yết rị đa da. Nam mô bà già bà đế. Ma ha ca ra da. Địa rị bát lạt na già ra. Tì đà ra ba noa ca ra da. A địa mục đế. Thi ma xá na nê bà tất nê. Ma đát rị già noa. Nam mô tất yết rị đa da. Nam mô bà già bà đế. Đa tha già đa câu ra da. Nam mô bát đầu ma câu ra da. Nam mô bạt xà ra câu ra da. Nam mô ma ni câu ra da. Nam mô già xà câu ra da. Nam mô bà già bà đế. Đế rị trà du ra tây na. Ba ra ha ra noa ra xà da. Đa tha già đa da. Nam mô bà già bà đế. Nam mô a di đa bà da. Đa tha già đa da. A ra ha đế. Tam miệu tam bồ đà da. Nam mô bà già bà đế. A sô bệ da. Đa tha già đa da. A ra ha đế. Tam miệu tam bồ đà da. Nam mô bà già bà đế. Bệ sa xà da câu lô phệ trụ rị da. Bát ra bà ra xà da. Đa tha già đa da. Nam mô bà già bà đế. Tam bổ sư bí đa. Tát lân nại ra lạt xà da. Đa tha già đa da. A ra ha đế. Tam miệu tam bồ đà da. Nam mô bà già bà đế. Xá kê dã mẫu na duệ. Đa tha già đa da. A ra ha đế. Tam miệu tam bồ đà da. Nam mô bà già bà đế. Lạt đát na kê đô ra xà da. Đa tha già đa da. A ra ha đế. Tam miệu tam bồ đà da. Đế biều nam mô tát yết rị đa. Ế đàm bà già bà đa. Tát đát tha già đô sắt ni sam. Tát đát đa bát đát lam. Nam mô a bà ra thị đam. Bát ra đế dương kì ra. Tát đa bà bộ đa yết ra ha. Ni yết ra ha yết ca ra ha ni. Bạt ra sắt địa da sất đà nễ. A ca ra mật rị trụ. Bát rị đát ra da nảnh yết rị. Tát ra bà bàn đà na mục xoa ni. Tát ra bà đột sắt tra. Đột tất phạp bát na nễ phạt ra ni. Giả đô ra thất đế nẫm. Yết ra ha ta ha tát ra nhã xà. Tì đa băng ta na yết rị. A sắt tra băng xá đế nẫm. Na xoa sát đát ra nhã xà. Ba ra tát đà na yết rị. A sắt tra nẫm. Ma ha yết ra ha nhã xà. Tì đa băng tát na yết rị. Tát bà xá đô lô nễ bà ra nhã xà. Hô lam đột tất phạp nan giá na xá ni. Bí sa xá tất đát ra. A kiết ni ô đà ca ra nhã xà. A bát ra thị đa cụ ra. Ma ha bát ra chiến trì. Ma ha điệp đa. Ma ha đế xà. Ma ha thuế đa xà bà ra. Ma ha bạt ra bàn đà ra bà tất nễ. A rị da đa ra. Tì rị câu tri. Thệ bà tì xà da. Bạt xà ra ma lễ để. Tì xá lô đa. Bột đằng võng ca. Bạt xà ra chế hát na a giá. Ma ra chế bà bát ra chất đa. Bạt xà ra thiện trì. Tì xá ra giá. Phiến đa xá bệ đề bà bổ thị đa. Tô ma lô ba. Ma ha thuế đa. A rị da đa ra. Ma ha bà ra a bát ra. Bạt xà ra thương yết ra chế bà. Bạt xà ra câu ma rị. Câu lam đà rị. Bạt xà ra hát tát đa giá. Tì địa da càn giá na ma rị ca. Khuất tô mẫu bà yết ra đá na. Bệ lô giá na câu rị da. Dạ ra thố sắt ni sam. Tì chiết lam bà ma ni giá. Bạt xà ra ca na ca ba ra bà. Lô xà na bạt xà ra đốn trĩ giá. Thuế đa giá ca ma ra. Sát xa thi ba ra bà. Ế đế di đế. Mẫu đà ra yết noa. Ta bệ ra sám. Quật phạm đô. Ấn thố na mạ mạ tả.

  15. p.... p....

    Ô hồng. Rị sắt yết noa. Bát lạt xá tất đa. Tát đát tha già đô sắt ni sam. Hổ hồng. Đô lô ung. Chiêm bà na. Hổ hồng. Đô lô ung. Tất đam bà na. Hổ hồng. Đô lô ung. Ba ra sắt địa da tam bát xoa noa yết ra. Hổ hồng. Đô lô ung. Tát bà dược xoa hát ra sát ta. Yết ra ha nhã xà. Tì đằng băng tát na yết ra. Hổ hồng. Đô lô ung. Giả đô ra thi để nẫm. Yết ra ha ta ha tát ra nẫm. Tì đằng băng tát na ra. Hổ hồng. Đô lô ung. Ra xoa. Bà già phạm. Tát đát tha già đô sắt ni sam. Ba ra điểm xà kiết rị. Ma ha ta ha tát ra. Bột thọ ta ha tát ra thất rị sa. Câu tri ta ha tát nê đế lệ. A tệ đề thị bà rị đa. Tra tra anh ca. Ma ha bạt xà lô đà ra. Đế rị bồ bà na. Mạn trà ra. Ô hồng. Ta tất đế bạc bà đô. Mạ mạ. Ấn thố na mạ mạ tả.

    Ra xà bà dạ. Chủ ra bạt dạ. A kì ni bà dạ. Ô đà ca bà dạ. Tì sa bà dạ. Xá tát đa ra bà dạ. Bà ra chước yết ra bà dạ. Đột sắt xoa bà dạ. A xá nễ bà dạ. A ca ra mật rị trụ bà dạ. Đà ra ni bộ di kiếm ba già ba đà bà dạ. Ô ra ca bà đa bà dạ. Lạt xà đàn trà bà dạ. Na già bà dạ. Tì điều đát bà dạ. Tô ba ra noa bà dạ. Dược xoa yết ra ha. Ra xoa tư yết ra ha. Tất rị đa yết ra ha. Tì xá giá yết ra ha. Bộ đa yết ra ha. Cưu bàn trà yết ra ha. Bổ đơn na yết ra ha. Ca tra bổ đơn na yết ra ha. Tất càn độ yết ra ha. A bá tất ma ra yết ra ha. Ô đàn ma đà yết ra ha. Xa dạ yết ra ha. Hê rị bà đế yết ra ha. Xã đa ha rị nẫm. Yết bà ha rị nẫm. Lô địa ra ha rị nẫm. Mang ta ha rị nẫm. Mê đà ha rị nẫm. Ma xà ha rị nẫm. Xà đa ha rị nữ. Thị tỉ đa ha rị nẫm. Tì đa ha rị nẫm. Bà đa ha rị nẫm. A du giá ha rị nữ. Chất đa ha rị nữ. Đế sam tát bệ sam. Tát bà yết ra ha nẫm. Tì đà dạ xà sân đà dạ di. Kê ra dạ di. Ba rị bạt ra giả ca hất rị đảm. Tì đà dạ xà sân đà dạ di. Kê ra dạ di. Trà diễn ni hất rị đảm. Tì đà dạ xà sân đà dạ di. Kê ra dạ di. Ma ha bát du bát đát dạ. Lô đà ra hất rị đảm. Tì đà dạ xà sân đà dạ di. Kê ra dạ di. Na ra dạ noa hất rị đảm. Tì đà dạ xà sân đà dạ di. Kê ra dạ di. Đát đỏa già lô trà tây hất rị đảm. Tì đà dạ xà sân đà dạ di. Kê ra dạ di. Ma ha ca ra ma đát rị già noa hất rị đảm. Tì đà dạ xà sân đà dạ di. Kê ra dạ di. Ca ba rị ca hất rị đảm. Tì đà dạ xà sân đà dạ di. Kê ra dạ di. Xà da yết ra ma độ yết ra. Tát bà ra tha ta đạt na hất rị đảm. Tì đà dạ xà sân đà dạ di. Kê ra dạ di. Giả đốt ra bà kì nễ hất rị đảm. Tì đà dạ xà sân đà dạ di. Kê ra dạ di. Tì rị dương hất rị tri. Nan đà kê sa ra già noa bát đế. Sách hê dạ hất rị đảm. Tì đà dạ xà sân đà dạ di. Kê ra dạ di. Na yết na xá ra bà noa hất rị đảm. Tì đà dạ xà sân đà dạ di. Kê ra dạ di. A la hán hất rị đảm tì đà dạ xà sân đà dạ di. Kê ra dạ di. Tì đa ra già hất rị đảm. Tì đà dạ xà sân đà dạ di. Kê ra dạ di. Bạt xà ra ba nễ cụ hê dạ cụ hê dạ. Ca địa bát đế hất rị đảm. Tì đà dạ xà sân đà dạ di. Kê ra dạ di. Ra xoa võng. Bà già phạm. Ấn thố na mạ mạ tả

  16. l.... a....

    Back then it was a wonderful life but now 😒 it's terrible because the world's just a sad place but elvis graced this earth for 42 years rip elvis

  17. J.... B....

    This is the dream and I’m living it 😉

  18. J.... ....

    Florida was a cool place to be back then

  19. t.... ....

    This is my all-time favorite Elvis movie. Elvis was so natural, and such an outstanding comedic actor, that it blows my mind. And if you want to see his serious acting chops, just watch his courtroom scene near the end. MAGIC.

  20. j.... b....

    This 1962 film movie soundtrack so beautiful, listen song all day. Thank You.

  21. T.... K....

    No-not Oswald ,Harvey Lee-but the Real assassine,the man behind the Picket fence= Withnesses was Eight Railway Workers,that NEVER came in the "WARREN(KORRUPT)REPORT". A Police officer-NOT yet an Officer of Law,but Swedish Citizen,451126-3339 Walther E.KEGÖ-was Cheered up by his Mother "Lady In Red" standin on opposite side of the Road-claping hand in strange Wolf call = "Bravissimo,Mein Kaiser Söze",as the Head of John F.Kennedy was blasted of,by Brennecke-Bullits of Froozen Mercury,containing in Water fired Bullits from rifle that Lee Harwey Oswald bought and Posessed.He never shot anyone=Innocent,and the evidens against him is Cirkumstantial....The Pilot on the small Piper Cub,was/and is Mr.Lennart Napoleon Zandier-lives in Spain.

  22. J.... S....

    Was that shot in Key West

    J.... S....

    No-not Oswald ,Harvey Lee-but the Real assassine,the man behind the Picket fence= Withnesses was Eight Railway Workers,that NEVER came in the "WARREN(KORRUPT)REPORT". A Police officer-NOT yet an Officer of Law,but Swedish Citizen,451126-3339 Walther E.KEGÖ-was Cheered up by his Mother "Lady In Red" standin on opposite side of the Road-claping hand in strange Wolf call = "Bravissimo,Mein Kaiser Söze",as the Head of John F.Kennedy was blasted of,by Brennecke-Bullits of Froozen Mercury,containing in Water fired Bullits from rifle that Lee Harwey Oswald bought and Posessed.He never shot anyone=Innocent,and the evidens against him is Cirkumstantial....The Pilot on the small Piper Cub,was/and is Mr.Lennart Napoleon Zandier-lives in Spain.

  23. R.... M....

    By far one of the BEST Elvis movies ever !!!!!!!

  24. S.... F....

    Elvis will always be at his physical and vocal best in the early sixties a lot of people say Elvis did not make any good movies in the sixties I totally disagree flaming star wild in the country Kid Galahad We're all great movies this movie Follow that dream was awesome so was Charro so was roustabout and fun in Acapulco Elvis was a versatile actor and singer he did not get the roles he always deserved but it was a very very good actor he could do comedy-drama Western all equally as well in the song What A Wonderful Life is a great vocal treatment by Elvis what a wonderful life is a upbeat country type rocker a great pop song Rather underrated

    S.... F....

    No-not Oswald ,Harvey Lee-but the Real assassine,the man behind the Picket fence= Withnesses was Eight Railway Workers,that NEVER came in the "WARREN(KORRUPT)REPORT". A Police officer-NOT yet an Officer of Law,but Swedish Citizen,451126-3339 Walther E.KEGÖ-was Cheered up by his Mother "Lady In Red" standin on opposite side of the Road-claping hand in strange Wolf call = "Bravissimo,Mein Kaiser Söze",as the Head of John F.Kennedy was blasted of,by Brennecke-Bullits of Froozen Mercury,containing in Water fired Bullits from rifle that Lee Harwey Oswald bought and Posessed.He never shot anyone=Innocent,and the evidens against him is Cirkumstantial....The Pilot on the small Piper Cub,was/and is Mr.Lennart Napoleon Zandier-lives in Spain.

  25. A.... G....

    Somebody make this version loud and HQ please

  26. E.... ....

    Another settlement needs your help general!

  27. M.... L....

    I love the way that Elvis moderates
    and calibrates his voice to match
    the sentiments in this song! Just perfect!

    M.... L....

    Elvis is singing and vocal talents will always be the best in the early sixties is physical condition also Elvis is always ignored for his early sixties work when actually that's when he was at his best happy new year God bless thanks

  28. H.... S....

    Great vocalist!!!

    H.... S....

    No-not Oswald ,Harvey Lee-but the Real assassine,the man behind the Picket fence= Withnesses was Eight Railway Workers,that NEVER came in the "WARREN(KORRUPT)REPORT". A Police officer-NOT yet an Officer of Law,but Swedish Citizen,451126-3339 Walther E.KEGÖ-was Cheered up by his Mother "Lady In Red" standin on opposite side of the Road-claping hand in strange Wolf call = "Bravissimo,Mein Kaiser Söze",as the Head of John F.Kennedy was blasted of,by Brennecke-Bullits of Froozen Mercury,containing in Water fired Bullits from rifle that Lee Harwey Oswald bought and Posessed.He never shot anyone=Innocent,and the evidens against him is Cirkumstantial....The Pilot on the small Piper Cub,was/and is Mr.Lennart Napoleon Zandier-lives in Spain.

  29. H.... ....

    How sad ....that many Elvis songs simply do not EVER get played by the radio media . I m o , Elvis "hidden " songs are far better than his "obvious " songs , that the radio stations will only ever play . This song has always given me a wonderful feeling , as did the movie ,   ... Follow That Dream .

    H.... ....

    De beste zo komt er nooit nog een De King

  30. �.... �....

    Love this’s song🇺🇸🇩🇿🇩🇿🎤🎼🎶❤️🙏😎

    �.... �....

    No-not Oswald ,Harvey Lee-but the Real assassine,the man behind the Picket fence= Withnesses was Eight Railway Workers,that NEVER came in the "WARREN(KORRUPT)REPORT". A Police officer-NOT yet an Officer of Law,but Swedish Citizen,451126-3339 Walther E.KEGÖ-was Cheered up by his Mother "Lady In Red" standin on opposite side of the Road-claping hand in strange Wolf call = "Bravissimo,Mein Kaiser Söze",as the Head of John F.Kennedy was blasted of,by Brennecke-Bullits of Froozen Mercury,containing in Water fired Bullits from rifle that Lee Harwey Oswald bought and Posessed.He never shot anyone=Innocent,and the evidens against him is Cirkumstantial....The Pilot on the small Piper Cub,was/and is Mr.Lennart Napoleon Zandier-lives in Spain.

  31. J.... E....

    I love Elvis Presley I HAD this movie follow that dream but my buddy droped it in a bucket of bleach

  32. A.... B....

    Beautiful 1962 Florida...Mostly Levy county:)

  33. S.... F....

    What a Wonderful Life he's a great early sixties pup rocker from a good movie in Follow that dream was a good movie but not as good as kid Galahad Elvis is the best

    S.... F....


    S.... F....

    No-not Oswald ,Harvey Lee-but the Real assassine,the man behind the Picket fence= Withnesses was Eight Railway Workers,that NEVER came in the "WARREN(KORRUPT)REPORT". A Police officer-NOT yet an Officer of Law,but Swedish Citizen,451126-3339 Walther E.KEGÖ-was Cheered up by his Mother "Lady In Red" standin on opposite side of the Road-claping hand in strange Wolf call = "Bravissimo,Mein Kaiser Söze",as the Head of John F.Kennedy was blasted of,by Brennecke-Bullits of Froozen Mercury,containing in Water fired Bullits from rifle that Lee Harwey Oswald bought and Posessed.He never shot anyone=Innocent,and the evidens against him is Cirkumstantial....The Pilot on the small Piper Cub,was/and is Mr.Lennart Napoleon Zandier-lives in Spain.

  34. H.... V....

    Thank you, Maxim!

  35. O.... T....

    I have no job to worry me/No big bad boss tu hurting me. Wow!!!

  36. c.... ....

    His best movie by far.

    c.... ....

    "Roustabout" was considered by many as one of Elvis's best films. In recent biographies about Elvis - They mention that Elvis himself - considered Roustabout his best film and the one he liked the most, of all the films he had done previously. It had a very good, seasoned director, John Rich, who did some of the best "Dick Van Dyke" shows among many others, and had two well known "stars" Elvis felt honored to work with. The movie also closely followed the true to life "carny" days of manager Col' Tom Parker as very capably portrayed by Pat Buttram. The other films you mentioned were also very well received movies for Elvis and his fans and critics alike, but he mentioned in books that he felt more secure and at ease on the screen with the experience he got as time went by in the later films.

    c.... ....

    @musicandmovieguy55 reviewer is roustabout was a good movie for many reasons it had a family oriented appeal to it I was also gets to play a rebel he was actually good at playing Rebel better than James Dean and Brando Jailhouse Rock wild in the country flaming star King Creole shows this and he gets act with Barbara Stanwyck Elvis made at least 10 to 12 movies to show he was a good very good actor with versatility and charisma it sad that they put him in a lot of movies that didn't add up to his standards and talents you can blame Colonel Parker for that Elvis could have been known as a very good actor if we didn't turn down roles that were offered to Elvis Elvis would have done those roles better than the actors who got them Cat on a Hot Tin Roof the defiant ones West Side Story Elvis could have played all those roles too bad to cuddle 10 m down he actually ruined Elvis anyhow Elvis was a true talented actor they did not get the scripts he deserved on the most part should have got rid of Colonel Parker in the early sixties Worst on the most part he was bad for Elvis he held them back happy New Year thank you

    c.... ....

    No-not Oswald ,Harvey Lee-but the Real assassine,the man behind the Picket fence= Withnesses was Eight Railway Workers,that NEVER came in the "WARREN(KORRUPT)REPORT". A Police officer-NOT yet an Officer of Law,but Swedish Citizen,451126-3339 Walther E.KEGÖ-was Cheered up by his Mother "Lady In Red" standin on opposite side of the Road-claping hand in strange Wolf call = "Bravissimo,Mein Kaiser Söze",as the Head of John F.Kennedy was blasted of,by Brennecke-Bullits of Froozen Mercury,containing in Water fired Bullits from rifle that Lee Harwey Oswald bought and Posessed.He never shot anyone=Innocent,and the evidens against him is Cirkumstantial....The Pilot on the small Piper Cub,was/and is Mr.Lennart Napoleon Zandier-lives in Spain.

    c.... ....

    @Sean Fitzpatrick This technically wasn't an Elvis movie. Sure when he did the few songs it was 'elvish'. But Presley didn't dye his hair on this movie so I know he thought of it as an acting gig.

    c.... ....

    @VjSmith anyhow great comedy Kid Galahad was grade also he was definitely underrated actor

  37. A.... G....

    Any chance of this version on MP3 rather than the slow version

    A.... G....

    anthony green ;

  38. w.... B....

    Wonderful it is.

  39. p.... y....

    super elvis music the King
    What was the model of the car in this vid ?

  40. R.... C....

    The REAL King Of Pop \\(O)//

    R.... C....

    Lol, He's the King of Rock N Roll, The King of Pop is MJ

  41. E.... S....

    Thank you for all the great Elvis videos.

    E.... S....

    Thank you for all the wonderful videos listen to them when I need a pick me up, which is most of the time

    E.... S....

    No-not Oswald ,Harvey Lee-but the Real assassine,the man behind the Picket fence= Withnesses was Eight Railway Workers,that NEVER came in the "WARREN(KORRUPT)REPORT". A Police officer-NOT yet an Officer of Law,but Swedish Citizen,451126-3339 Walther E.KEGÖ-was Cheered up by his Mother "Lady In Red" standin on opposite side of the Road-claping hand in strange Wolf call = "Bravissimo,Mein Kaiser Söze",as the Head of John F.Kennedy was blasted of,by Brennecke-Bullits of Froozen Mercury,containing in Water fired Bullits from rifle that Lee Harwey Oswald bought and Posessed.He never shot anyone=Innocent,and the evidens against him is Cirkumstantial....The Pilot on the small Piper Cub,was/and is Mr.Lennart Napoleon Zandier-lives in Spain.